Donating to the Lehi Historical Society and Archives
March 06, 2017Family Histories
- Currently the Archives have hundreds of biographical histories of early individuals of Lehi. While some have much content, most are limited in the information they provide. We encourage the donation of histories of any individual who was a residence of Lehi. We encourage photographs, biographies and any other documents pertaining to the individual As family histories disappear, the archives will be a sure spot where future ancestors can learn about their ancestors and the residents of Lehi. We encourage people to go through your records and write their biography for the archives. We want to increase the information on the citizens of Lehi.
- Photographs from all ages of their life can be deposited in the file. Photographs should identify the people, the place and the date of the photograph, if at all possible. The more information identified, the more useful the photograph in future days when other photographs have disappeared.
- Obituaries can be copied and put in with the biography. Be sure and identify the newspaper and date that it appeared.
- Family History Books can be donated and preserved.
- Photographs are a key element of the Archives. We have thousands of great photographs of early Lehi History. The sad thing is that current technology is only lasting 3-7 years. People are not printing out their photographs. Every change in technology will bring a disappearance of these photographs and historical memories. Photographs are the key item that has lasted throughout all the changing years of technology. We encourage people to print out their photographs and identify the date, the time and identify people and events. It will surprise you how fast these memories are forgotten.
- Richard Van Wagoner took pictures of mundane, ordinary fixtures of Lehi. This year alone, many of these items have changed and are not the way they once were. The freeway entrances are changing. Buildings are being torn down. Main Street will be changed. These pictures are important for the archives.
- We are encouraging people to review their photographs, identify who, when where. A simple fence and tree, if identified can be an important historical addition to the archives. Fences, trees and houses are soon gone. This is a place where these memories can be preserved. Consider making some copies and donating them to the archives in your name.
- When a loved one dies, so often we go through the myriad of historical bits of paper, photographs and newspaper and it looks like a bunch of junk. To that loved one, it was something more. It is hard to keep everything. Instead of throwing them away, consider donating them to the Lehi Historical Society & Archives. We can access them, determine the relevance and file them accordingly in your family members name. Family members can make a difference by making copies of photographs taken in Lehi, both historically and currently. These photographs can be a great source of historical knowledge in the future. You can make a difference. Imagine how many wonderful photographs are in boxes. If we all review the photographs we have, make a few copies and donate, what a difference we all could make.
- Currently, we have very few photographs of the miniature floats. Thousands of wonderful floats have been made. We could use a picture of each one. We don’t have many many photos of the Lehi High School Band marching in parades, or contestants trying out for Miss Lehi. We do not have any pictures of the Lehi City floats. We would love pictures of the building and tearing down of churches and businesses. We need photographs of Lehi Citizens at war, the national guard, or Camp Williams. The Halloween march on Main street or PTA fundraisers or carnivals. We have little historical information on the Boy Scouts of America in Lehi. We would love historical photos of Scout Camps, pinewood derbys and other scouting adventures in Lehi. There are thousands of other areas, where wonderful historical pictures can be saved for posterity.
- Your photographs can be a key historical piece for our community. Don’t let them disappear. Please date, identify the individuals and place the photograph was taken. Any information on the background of why the picture was taken would be most beneficial.
Newspaper and Magazine Articles
- Newspapers have played a major role in recording history throughout the years. Newspaper articles are a key element of the Lehi Archives. Many Lehi residents cut out articles and save Newspaper headlines as historical events transpire. When a love one dies, many times you find these newspapers that had been kept over the years. There are also the magazines dealing with historical events or with a particular president of the United States. There are copies of newspapers when an LDS President dies or a new prophet is installed. A lot of times, these are disposed of when cleaning out the home. These are key items for an archive. It can become one of the best sources for Lehi residents on Lehi History and the world it is a part of. Please consider donating these to the Archives.
- We are in need of Newspaper articles about Lehi, Lehi people and Lehi happening since 1990. There have been very few articles kept since that time frame. Any articles would be appreciated.
- We are in need of volunteers who take the State newspapers, other community papers, trade magazines, historical magazines, national magazines, after they are through with them to clip all pertinent articles about Lehi, Lehi People, issues around the county and State and National Historical events and the analysis of them. Rather than clip them, we would appreciate a donation of magazines, trade magazines, newsletters donate them to the archives, for review of articles pertinent to Lehi and to the world we live in. These articles will be clipped and identified as your donation.
- The Archives would appreciated donations of subscription to any Utah historical foundation magazine like the State Historical Society, Sons and Daughters of the Utah Foundation or historical associations that study American Wars or Utah issues or people.
Diaries and Records
- We have a number of donated diaries that tell the history of Lehi. For example, the many volumes of diaries of Andrew Fjeld that have been donated tell in great detail many events in Lehi History. Any diaries or historical documents can be donated and preserved.
- Any historical records from Lehi history can be incorporated into the archives. Old historical scouting papers, political papers, business papers, letterhead, historical events would be appreciated to be part of the archives.
Books and References
- We are in want of any book or document that deals with Lehi History, Utah County History, Utah municipal history, or Utah State History. Any such historical books can be appreciated for the collection. Books or documents on Camp Floyd, Pony Express, Mercur, Manning, Utah Lake, American Fork Canyon, Timpanogas Cave, Pleasant Grove CCC, American Fork Hospital, Utah State Training School, Mt. Timpanogas or Provo Temple dedications, Thanksgiving Point, Ghost towns, mining, Porter Rockwell, or other area histories.
- Since the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is such an important part of Lehi History, we would appreciate any early Church books dealing with LDS History. We are in particular interest of the Pioneer heritage, the calling of Saints to Lehi, and the historical church happening involving Lehi. There are histories of the Lehi Sunday School or other groups. Any items involved with the history of the LDS Church will be appreciated.
- We are also in need of some better copies of the 1913 History of Lehi.
- There are many histories of municipalities in Utah. We would appreciate any copies of these histories.
- References of National Events that have affected Lehi History would also be accepted. Books dealing with the wars, the presidents, the events that have transpired during the history of Lehi.
Business and Organization Histories
- Any documents, letters, fliers of individual business, organization, or community institution in Lehi, Utah County or State of Utah. Such items will archived in that business name.
- Historical business records can be donated and archived in the collection.
- Letterhead, press releases, awards, accounts and other information will be accepted.
- We are in the process of duplicating the history of Lehi High School yearbooks. Any yearbooks from Lehi High School or the Jr. High Schools will be appreciated.
Experiences and Stories
- We encourage the donation of stories and experiences of family members. Stories of courage, war, pioneers, early Lehi History, family life and Lehi character are greatly sought after. We would appreciate any of these stories.
- Description and stories from diaries of Lehi events and happenings would also be highly appreciated. These become primary sources for the further history of Lehi.
- There is a need to document the war efforts, stories, pictures of the citizens of Lehi. Any such stories, photos and documents of your loved ones war experiences would be appreciated.
- Experiences and photos of early Lehi Citizen in dealing with the Overland Stage, Pony Express, the Indians, or with the troops at Camp Floyd will also be appreciated.
Artwork and Photographs, Literary, and Music Artists
- We would gladly accept artwork, prints, or photographs created by Lehi Artists. We are happy to accept artwork, prints or photographs dealing with Lehi places, events and history. We would gladly accept artwork, prints, or photographs dealing with Utah, with Utah History or with American History
- We would like to accumulate literary treasures by Lehi Literary composers. Books of Literature, thesis, poetry, and books will be accepted as part of the Lehi Heritage.
- We would like to accumulate a collection of music written by Lehi composers. We would also like to receive CDs or tapes of music performed by Lehi artists for the collection.
- We also would appreciate receiving advertising campaign, public relation collections, architectural renderings or other business related materials created by Lehi Residents.
- Any other piece of work created by Lehi Residents.
Tax Deductible
Your donation could possibly be tax deductible. Lehi Historical Society and Archives provides no legal opinion or financial worth of any donation. Lehi Historical Society and Archives will provide a donation form for items donated but will not assess financial worth of the donations. We will assume no responsibility for or be a party to your tax donation.
All donations become the sole property and use of the Lehi Historical Society & Archives.